Good Sales Forecasting Information System using Single Exponential Smoothing Method
This study aims to determine the estimated number of items sold at one of the mini market, namely the Tita shop, especially Sari Murni cooking oil, 2 liter packs for the next one month based on sales data for January 2016 to December 2017. The problems that occur at Tita`s shop are is difficult to estimate the amount of stock of goods and calculate the estimated cost required for sales in the next month period, so it is necessary to build a forecasting information system using the single exponential smoothing method which assumes that the data fluctuates around the mean value without any trend or seasonal elements. This study resulted in the amount of 2 liter packaged sari murni cooking oil in Januari 2018, which was 42 pcs. Meanwhile, the estimated cost required to buy 2 liter packaged cooking oil stock in that period is Rp. 609.000,00 with a capital price unit of goods Rp. 14.500,00.
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