Real-time Fishpond Water Temperature Monitoring with Internet of Things (IoT) Technology
The quality of pond water is an important factor in ensuring the health and sustainability of the organisms within it. Internet of Things (IoT) technology has enabled the development of sophisticated and effective monitoring systems to monitor water quality in real-time. One important parameter that needs to be monitored is the temperature of the pond water, as unstable temperatures can harm aquatic organisms. To obtain good quality and disease-free fish at normal times, the optimal temperature for catfish fry is around 28˚C - 30˚C. Manual monitoring or using thermometer measuring instruments is still very traditional and limited to the ability of supervisors to carry out continuous monitoring and may cause delays in detecting significant temperature changes. This research aims to analyze the monitoring system of pool water quality based on temperature by utilizing IoT technology. The proposed system uses a DS18B20 temperature sensor that is wirelessly connected to the IoT network. The temperature data collected in real time will be uploaded to Firebase for storage and further analysis. Through the development of this IoT-based pond water quality monitoring system, it is expected to increase efficiency and reliability in monitoring pond water quality. From the monitoring conducted for approximately 24 hours, the temperature in the fishpond is 28°-30°. After analyzing with direct monitoring, the good temperature is at night at 18.00-00.00 WIB. In conjunction with a standard thermometer, resulted in an average temperature sensor error rate of less than 5%, highlighting the reliability of the IoT technology in real-time environmental monitoring.
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