Design of Website-Based Information System for Psychology Service Unit of Universitas Negeri Padang Using YII2 Framework

  • Titi Sriwahyuni Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Teddy Surianto Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: ▪ Information System ▪ YII2 Framework ▪ Online Counseling


The 21st century is characterized by the importance of information and data management in various fields of life. An institution should have an information system that supports the performance and effectiveness of the services provided. UPT Psychology Services State University of Padang is an applied psychology institution engaged in psychological services such as assessment centers, psychological tests, and recruitment. The information system at UPT-LP Padang State University has not been accommodated in one system. The problems that arise from the absence of a website-based information system are relationships with clients that only revolve around that, the flexibility and efficiency of clients who want to register are hampered by space and time, requests for online counseling that cannot be realized. Therefore, a website-based information system is needed to overcome existing problems. The website-based Psychology Service Unit system is designed using PHP programming, using the Yii2 framework as a library, Code Igniter as an online counseling chat feature, and using the OOP (Object Oriented Programming) method, MysQL as a database, JavaScript, AJAX, XAMPP, Visual Studio Code application as an editor. Based on the results of the UAT and Blackbox tests, it can be seen that the system is valid and runs as expected. The information system created provides facilities for registration of psychological services and online counseling services and provides information related to the profile of the UPT Psychology Services of Padang State University.


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How to Cite
T. Sriwahyuni and T. Surianto, “Design of Website-Based Information System for Psychology Service Unit of Universitas Negeri Padang Using YII2 Framework”, JTIP, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 152-181, Nov. 2023.
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